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jQuery is an open-sourced JavaScript library that simplifies creation and navigation of web applications. Specifically, jQuery simplifies HTML Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) and event handling. Additionally, jQuery incorporates JavaScript functionalities by manipulating CSS properties to add effects such as fade-ins and outs for website elements. jQuery is a widely used JavaScript library and is supported by thousands of user-created plug-ins.

jQuery will simplify DOM manipulation by allowing users to find, select and manipulate elements with specific properties. Users can also change element attributes and respond to events. jQuery can use Ajax to pass data between browsers and the servers without having to reload the web page. Event handling is provided by an event handler which receives an object upon an event. The event handler specifies the type of event and executes a DOM element function to prevent the event’s effect. The syntax for these simplicities is provided through jQuery’s selector engine, Sizzle. Sizzle is a CSS selector engine which can run through DOM elements to find specified elements.

Uses of jQuery

JQuery can be used to develop Ajax based applications.
It can be used to make code simple, concise and reusable.
It simplifies the process of traversal of HTML DOM tree.
It can also handle events, perform animation and add ajax support inweb applications


Wide range of plug-ins. jQuery allows developers to create plug-ins on top of the JavaScript library.
Large development community
It has a good and comprehensive documentation
It is a lot more easy to use compared to standard javascript and other javascript libraries.


JQuery : It is a compact, swift and feature rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that runs across large number of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, JQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.

jQuery Features

Html Manipulation
Dom Manipulation
Dom Element Selection
Css Manipulation
Effects And Animations

Why jQuery is required

It Is Very Fast And Extensible.
It Improves The Performance Of An Application.
It Uses Mostly New Features Of New Browsers.

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