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5 Design trends in 2024.

  1. Dynamic Movement: Websites are incorporating more animations and moving elements to engage visitors. This includes everything from subtle hover effects to full-page animations.
  2. Geometric Aesthetics: Clean lines, shapes, and patterns are being used to create visually appealing and structured layouts. This trend helps in organising content and making websites look modern and professional.
  3. Bold Typography: Large, bold fonts are being used to make statements and draw attention to key messages. This trend is particularly effective for headlines and calls to action.
  4. Interactive Design: Websites are becoming more interactive with elements like hoverable icons, clickable animations, and interactive infographics. This enhances user engagement and makes the browsing experience more enjoyable.
  5. Minimalism with a Twist: While minimalism remains popular, it’s being combined with vibrant colours and unique design elements to create a fresh and modern look. This approach keeps the design clean while adding a touch of personality

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